Codex, it says the khornates were able to offer "over ni-eight thousand skulls to the Blood God, the smallest of which is the size of a boulder" and that was enough to make Vodha Bloodprice ascend to Daemonhood. In particular, a Khornate warband called the Skullhunt of Vodha Bloodprice attacked the system, declaring a Blood Crusade. With so much carnage and destruction going on, it was bound to attract the attention of the Ruinous Powers. After arriving there and killing a Mawloc from the inside out (eat your heart out, Alien), he's managed to take command of the Octarian Orks. Oh, and Ghazghkull himself is on his way there too so he can call up more boyz for Da Great WAAAAGH!!!! Score one for the Orks, it looks like. Unfortunately, they missed the Overfiend of Octarius, who just managed to loot an Avatar of Khaine. Never mind on the Eldar part, they're currently trying to clean up Kryptman's mess by bio-purging the front line and the worlds around it.

This tale is notable for being one of the few bits of fluff in the Nid 'dex where they don't get their arses handed to them by space communists, space elves, or fucking smurfs. The conflict has predictably devolved into a massive meat grinder, where neither side has a clear shot at winning, and the orks are fucking loving it.

The obvious flaw in his plan (besides it being a fucking nursery for one of these) is that both Nids and Orks are unwitting experts at bioengineering who thrive on war, meaning whoever ultimately wins will emerge much stronger than ever before (though hopefully if the Tyranids win they will be overspecialized Ork killers and be weak to other threats and fighting styles). Former Lord Inquisitor Kryptman, leading expert on the Tyranids and prolific bastard, decided that the best solution would be to sic a recently captured swarm of Tyranids on the Orks, let the two fight it out, and mop up the remaining survivors with the IG. The Imperial Guard were having their asses handed to them by the Orks on the planet Ghorala in the Octarius system. The Octarius War is another recent hilarious and fail venture the Imperium of Man has made, though unusually the most catastrophic part was when the Imperium tried to not fight anymore. And it's happening 24/7, completely covering the surface of every planet in the Octarius system.